
Catalytic Pyrolysis of Chilean Oak: Influence of Brönsted Acid Sites of Chilean Natural Zeolite.

Martin, SA; Cerda-Barrera, C; Montecinos, A. (2017). Catalysts 7 (12):356.

Characterizing Teline monspessulana as a Green Sustainable Source Of Biofibers.

Autores: Hector Pesenti, Ernesto Zumelzu, William Gacitua, Marcos Torres, Jaime Castillo, Alejandra Sanchez (2018). BioResources.

Exploring an oxidative bleaching treatment for Chilean bamboo: a source of cellulose for biofuel generation and the nanotech industry.

Oliveira, Patricia E.; Pesenti, Hector; Cunha, Ana Gisela; Gacitúa, William; Petit-Breuilh, Ximena (2017).

Exploring Ulex europaeus to Produce Nontoxic Binderless Fibreboard.

Pesenti, H.; Torres, M.; Oliveira, P.; Gacitúa, W.; Leoni, M. (2017)

Foam front advance during improved oil recovery: similarity solutions at early times near the top of the front.

Autores: Grassia, P., Lue, L., Torres-Ulloa, C., & Berres, S (2017). Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

Functionalization of biochar derived from lignocellulosic biomass using microwave assistance for catalytic application in biodiesel production.

Autores: Gonzalez M.E., .E. González, M. Cea, D. Reyes, L. Romero- Hermoso, P. Hidalgo, S. Meier, N. Benito and R. Navia (2017). Energy Conversion and Management. 137, 165-173.

Effects of pyrolysis conditions on physicochemical properties of oat hull derived biochar.

Autores: González M.E, Romero-Hermoso L., González A., Hidalgo P., Meier S., Navia R., Cea M (2017). BioResources 12 (1): 2040-2057.

Chusquea quila, a Natural Resource from Chile: Its Chemical, Physical, and Nanomechanical Propert.

Oliveira, Patricia. E.; Cunha, A; Reyes, G.; Gacitúa, W.; Petit-Breuilh, X. (2016).

Evaluation of different solvent mixtures in esterifiable lipids extraction from microalgae Botryococcus braunii for biodiesel production.

Autores: Hidalgo, P., Ciudad, G., & Navia, R. (2016). Bioresource technology. (201) 360-364

Foam front propagation in anisotropic oil reservoirs.

Autores: Grassia, P., Torres-Ulloa, C., Berres, S., Mas-Hernández, E., Shokri, N  (2016). The European Physical Journal E. vol. 39, no 4, p. 42.

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